Sunday, April 13, 2008

Three peas in a pod

Well, we decided to take photos of our family for Easter and per usual that was quite the experience! At least we didn't have to wait in line at some overcrowded photo studio, have our appointment be 1/2 an hour behind schedule, have to nurse the baby during the photo shoot, wait around for an hour after the appointment for our photos to be "processed", and in the end, pay waaaayyyy to much for them! :) Something good comes from getting all our own photography equipment!!!'s one of the pictures I just love - a "let's all cuddle together" (which, I might add, then did on their own without my coaxing them!) Joseph's face is particularly priceless as we're not sure whether he's annoyed or just about ready to laugh (if memory serves, I think he did giggle a bit after this shot.) The Jones boys...hard to resist! But biased I am...


Rachel and Jared said...

I think I've said it on the family blog, but I have to say it again, I love this picture. It is too cute!

Tracy said...

What sweet, sweet boys you guys have! I love that they all look so much alike, yet have their distinct differences. They are such a perfect mix of you and Elliott. I love the not so typical look at the camera and smile picture. But my favorite one is the family picture of funny faces - love, love, love!! Makes me really miss you guys.

Jennifer said...

I love this picture of the boys! Joseph's expression is priceless. So cute!

Katie said...

What a great picture! I especially love the one of the family off to the side. You guys are hysterical!