Sunday, May 24, 2009

Once again, we have a two year old...

I'm going out of chonological order now. Just thought I'd reach back a bit and catch up with some fun pics. This also gives me a chance to brag about Holly's ability to generate significant quantities of festive cuteness. We recently celebrated Joseph's 2nd birthday. The Elmo theme was selected by the birthday boy himself. At least we think that was what he was doing with all that pointing at the multitude of Elmo toys at Target. I don't think he actually got any of those toys (sorry kiddo, but the presents were purchased long before you pointed at the red monster), but Mommy rose to the occasion with an abundance of great, hand-crafted decor. His older brothers also rose to the occasion and played with Joseph's toys whenever their parents weren't looking. And with that, I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

First Piano Recital

Jackson had his first piano recital last night and did a great job! I've posted video of the two pieces he played. The first one was called Rockets and Sea Divers (sorry about the fuzzy video, Daddy's still learning) and the second piece was the Can-can (which unfortunately has the first few notes cut off since he started playing before I could get the camera rolling.) Noelle Buffo is his teacher and her students all played very well. Special kudos go out to the other folks from the ward who did such a great job in the recital: Dylan Hahn and Amy Petersen (Faye, we look forward to seeing you up there next time!).

On a side note (ha, ha - get it? "note"), and parental pride alert: Jackson began piano with Noelle last Fall, and as a 6 year old is her youngest student by 2-3 years. He showed amazing focus and nerves of steel (and what we thought was hesitation on his opening number was actually his patience at waiting for a cue he thought was going to come from Noelle to begin playing.)

This was such a big night for Jackson and we wanted to share it. We know there are a lot more moments from our boys' lives as of late that we'd like to post (Father's & Son's campout, Mother's Day fun, Soccer season...) but we thought we'd post this while it was still fresh. CONGRATULATIONS, JACKSON - you were awesome!!!